Day 25

Guess what I did today?
I made MAYO! Actually, I made mayo twice because the first batch didn’t set up at all. But the second time around…mayo success! It takes a little patience but not a lot of time, and is mayo-licious. Bonus, you know exactly what’s in it. I, of course, had some struggles. For example, even on the lowest setting, my mayo was exploding out of the top while I integrated the olive oil. Until…I stuck a silicone funnel in the hole! Pure genius. It solved the splash problem and helped make sure I added the oil slooowly.
I also used “extra-light olive oil”, but I see the recipe called for “light TASTING olive oil”. I’m fairly certain this would have made a difference, though I was fairly happy with the taste and especially happy with the consistency of mine.
Here were today’s eats:

Meal 1: scrambled egg with fruit, coffee and almond milk

Meal 2: a leftover extravaganza: leftover pork fried rice from Day 24, half a chicken breast leftover from Day 22, and a quick deviled egg (to try my mayo). Yummy. But not photogenic.

Meal 3: burger patties, bacon, tomato slices, mayo. After yesterday’s cooking spectacular i was ready for a break. Quick and easy, and a vessel for mayo. Bonus.

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